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Try the latest Words of Life as Spotify Podcasts.
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How sure and true is this statement. Can we fully agree on that without argument? Have we no difficulty to hear GOD’S WORD, or better said, to be able to hear it out of the maze of all the voices in us and around us? Does our way not often lay in darkness and we can still see no light? The Psalmist also knows only too well of such times in his life (Psalm 119:67) “Before I was afflicted, I went astray; but now have I kept thy word”. Through God’s mercy and goodness, he came to realize the greatness of the Word of God. His eyes were opened. He could see the light! Out of the new and wonderful sight originated this glorious Psalm. With his whole heart he loves the Word of God, His Commandments! Therefore, does he keep them! I think that this is the key to understand the ways of God: The Love for Him.
Now, to mention further meditations:
1. At first, God’s Light is hidden to man. Since the exclusion from Eden, man is separated from God. He cannot recognize Him by himself (Matt. 11:25) The light of God’s Word as well as His closeness are not recognizable to the estranged man. As the clouds hide the Sun, which renders all life here on earth, so is God hidden from the sinful man. Through Jesus Christ it became possible to see God. God was brought near to man. Only as a Newborn Creature can we have fellowship with God and recognize His light. This however is a growing process. How often does God take us simply by the hand, because He loves us, and leads us like the blind?
2. My own “I” stands in the foreground. When our “I” stands in the foreground we see only darkness. This darkness is our own shadow. It is not God who hides Himself from us, but we stand in front of His light. Exactly the same, when we want to push our works in front of others “into the right light”. May we be humble. God sees into our hearts! Only those who have a clean heart, will see God. (Matthew 5:8)
3. We are the ones seeking after this way, which God laid down for us. How is it, when one in total darkness seeks the way with just a torch? Even a well-known way, through a forest, can turn out wrong by night. Repeatedly, we want finished recipes from God, an exact description of the different stations, which may lay ahead. But He often only says: “Don’t be afraid, I am with you” (Isaiah 41:10) Set out on this way in full trust. Live according to My instructions, My Word!” This is the precious promise of God: “If you seek Me with all your heart, so will I be found of you”. (Jeremiah 29:13-14) The Psalmist speaks, in our Word of “The lamp for the feet”. Often, only a short distance appears for the next steps, may be, only a word of comfort given for this day.
4. There is only one Way (one Goal) God gives us. In today’s time a decisive Christendom is asked for! If we, following Christ, make compromises, there are many ways. When we want to live after God’s Law, there is only One Way. We see Christianity going in all directions, trying to please all. We should enjoy life. But a traveller experiences nature more intensive than a driver racing through the countryside. “Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but on the seventh day then you shall do no work”. (Exodus. 20:9-10)
5. Taking other people with us on this Way. All the people you meet, try and bring to light God’s image (Light) before them, (to be Light bearers!) How quick is one influenced by the darkness of the other? God’s light in you, shall point others also on the right way.